Within the Centre we have an open-door policy. We love to invite family members in for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. We usually host a creative morning or afternoon where the families can engage in a cooking or creative experience with the children. We also encourage the families to come in for a BBQ to celebrate Father’s Day. In May for National Family Reading Month we invite the families in to read to the Wombat, Koala and Possum room children. With Grandparent’s Day we also like to welcome the families to read to the children. The families are welcome to bring in a book that is special to them from their home or they can choose from our Centre books or borrowed library books.
Some other annual events we celebrate throughout the year include:
- Storybook dress up week
- Cultural cooking: we invite the families to come in and cook a suitable afternoon tea treat with the children (bonus points if it’s something from their culture)
- Random Acts of Kindness week: we ask the families to donate at least 1 non-perishable food item. We then use these items to make up hampers and donate them to the less fortunate.
- Cultural diversity week
- Easter raffle: we ask the families to donate Easter eggs and we create hampers for a raffle
- We encourage the children to wear jersey’s for organ donation
- NAIDOC week
- Cupcake week: we bake cupcakes with the children and all proceeds are split up between various charities
- To encourage transition to school – we ask the children to bring in lunchboxes to Kindy and also dress up in their school uniform for 1 week
As we reach the end of the year, we host an Open Day to welcome all the new families that will be starting with us in the new year. It is a special morning to encourage children to play, engage in their new learning environment, meet some of the Educators and for the families to engage with the Educator’s as well.
In December we host a “Jingle and Mingle” at Woronora Park on a Saturday morning where we invite all the current families, as well as the new ones. This is a morning where the families have a chance to engage with the Educators in a relaxed environment and the children can play in the park. All the families are encouraged to bring a plate and we enjoy a morning together to celebrate the year!

Here at Loftus Kindergarten we see a high value in organising incursions and excursions for the children at the Centre. Our incursions and excursions are based on the children’s current interests and projects, Community involvement, also Educator passions and travels.
Below are some of the excursions we have organised throughout the year.
- Loftus Primary School: Our local school is Loftus Primary School and majority of our Preschoolers transition there. We have a lovely relationship with the Principal, Deputy and Kindergarten teachers there so we will often pop over to the schools. We walk around the school to learn where all of the classrooms, library, canteen, and oval is. We spend some time inside the Kindergarten classrooms and also say hi to some of our friend’s from the previous year and enjoy some morning tea in the yard. On the walk back to Loftus Kindy we stop off at our local cafe!
- Symbio Wildlife Park: This is an annual excursion where we venture to Symbio with our Pen Pal Kindy friends Best Kidz.
- Coles: Where we dropped off our soft plastic recycling, learn about produce and food.
- Woolworths: Discovery Tour to learn about how important eating healthy fruit and vegetables are. We also received a tour of Woolworths and got to see what happens behind the closed doors!
- Sutherland library: We often like to catch a train to Sutherland library to borrow some library books to bring back to Kindy and listen to some story time from a librarian.
- Flower Power: We caught a bus to Taren Point and enjoyed a gardening experience in the school holidays .
- Hazelhurst: We have received some tours of the art gallery and even a fun art lesson. This is also where the Preschool Possums have their graduation in November before they start their journey to Primary School.
- Sutherland library: We often like to catch a train to Sutherland library to borrow some library books to bring back to Kindy and listen to some story time from a librarian.
- Flower Power: We caught a bus to Taren Point and enjoyed a gardening experience in the school holidays .
- Hazelhurst: We have received some tours of the art gallery and even a fun art lesson. This is also where the Preschool Possums have their graduation in November before they start their journey to Primary School.

Here at Loftus Kindergarten we see a high value in organising incursions and excursions for the children at the Centre. Our incursions and excursions are based on the children’s current interests and projects, Community involvement, also Educator passions and travels.
Below are some of the excursions we have organised throughout the year.
- Loftus Primary School: Our local school is Loftus Primary School and majority of our Preschoolers transition there. We have a lovely relationship with the Principal, Deputy and Kindergarten teachers there so we will often pop over to the schools. We walk around the school to learn where all of the classrooms, library, canteen, and oval is. We spend some time inside the Kindergarten classrooms and also say hi to some of our friend’s from the previous year and enjoy some morning tea in the yard. On the walk back to Loftus Kindy we stop off at our local cafe!
- Symbio Wildlife Park: This is an annual excursion where we venture to Symbio with our Pen Pal Kindy friends Best Kidz.
- Coles: Where we dropped off our soft plastic recycling, learn about produce and food.
- Woolworths: Discovery Tour to learn about how important eating healthy fruit and vegetables are. We also received a tour of Woolworths and got to see what happens behind the closed doors!
- Sutherland library: We often like to catch a train to Sutherland library to borrow some library books to bring back to Kindy and listen to some story time from a librarian.
- Flower Power: We caught a bus to Taren Point and enjoyed a gardening experience in the school holidays .
- Hazelhurst: We have received some tours of the art gallery and even a fun art lesson. This is also where the Preschool Possums have their graduation in November before they start their journey to Primary School.
- Sutherland library: We often like to catch a train to Sutherland library to borrow some library books to bring back to Kindy and listen to some story time from a librarian.
- Flower Power: We caught a bus to Taren Point and enjoyed a gardening experience in the school holidays .
- Hazelhurst: We have received some tours of the art gallery and even a fun art lesson. This is also where the Preschool Possums have their graduation in November before they start their journey to Primary School.