Our Philosophy

We believe in continuously acknowledging the rightful owners of the land in which we are exploring, the Dharawal people and other Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander people that may be present within the community.

Here at Loftus kindergarten we identify each child as a unique and capable individual, we explore their capabilities and strengths through hearing their voices and effectively extending on them. Every child comes with their own ideas and opinions, we acknowledge these through quality conversations and interactions, and this ensures each child feels safe, secure and welcomed to explore their thoughts and aspirations.

We believe each child’s family knows their child best and our family of educator’s will work in partnership with their families to provide the best outcomes for the children.

We believe in equality and respect for diversity, within our community we acknowledge and extend upon various cultures, events, traditions and languages that may be present.

We are continuously inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach; we explore open ended learning opportunities with the influence of natural based resources and environments to help facilitate quality learning. Experiences based around provocation are the foundation to ensure children are openly exploring their own creative thoughts and ways of making meaning. This approach also promotes skills for independent learning as well as being able to participate in partnered or group discussions to discover the answers they may require. Within our day to day explorations self-help skills are embedded to ensure the children are receiving ample opportunities to demonstrate their self-capabilities to ensure they will grow into a strong, confident and individual within our community.

We believe strongly in embedding sustainable practices within our day to day routine. We aim to use the materials and resources available to us through our community and physical environment; this allows our children to actively support our Centre’s sustainable practices within their explorative styled play.

The outdoor environment is considered our third teacher; further extensions on experiences and learning continue to take place within this space. We continuously encourage the children to explore their environment through natural based areas filled with open ended resources and materials. This is to ensure the children have the opportunity to facilitate their own learning through choosing the resources they require within their play.

Our passionate educators are highly qualified and strive to provide the most beneficial and enriched educational curriculum for all of the children within the Centre. Open communication and strong relationships between staff and families aim to provide a supportive connection from home to Loftus Kindy. We value the input provided by each family member, it is used to support the educational program and environment in a number of ways.

We are active in our commitment to continuous quality improvement and reflect on our daily practices to ensure the best outcome for each child. Our staff engage in professional development days and open resources allow educators to achieve their potential and continuously extend on their current knowledge and teaching practices to ensure we are providing quality relationships, interactions, learning opportunities and environments for your children.