What is “mark making” in Early Childhood?
Jul 2020
( Source: http://www.earlyyearsresources.co.uk/blog/2018/04/mark-making-importance/#:~:text=Mark%20making%20is%20much%20more,for%20handwriting%2C%20creativity%20and%20coordination.)
At Loftus Kindergarten, we are continuously researching new information to build on our current knowledge and information that may be of interest to families.
The article below provides an understanding on how mark making is more than a scribble!
Encourage children to make their mark! Young children have a natural desire to explore and experiment. They relish in the sensory and physical experience of mark making – enjoying the sensation of marker pens gliding across a whiteboard, paint smearing onto an easel, chalk scraping into the tarmac and grains of sand running through their fingers.
Mark making is much more than just a scribble! Babies and toddlers learn and begin to make sense of the world through mark making. It is the beginning of a child’s journey towards writing and is an important step in a child’s development for handwriting, creativity and coordination. Initially children take pleasure from the physical activity of mark making, but as they develop, they realise that they can control their marks and their creativity starts to thrive.
What is mark making?
Mark making simply refers to the creation of different patterns, lines, textures and shapes. This term is typically used to describe the scribbles that early years children make on a piece of paper with pens, pencils or crayons. However, mark making doesn’t just refer to squiggles made with stationery, children are still mark making if they use their hands, paintbrushes or sticks.
Mark making gives children the opportunity to express themselves and explore new materials other than pen and paper. Encourage them to create marks using their fingers to draw in the sand, paint on an easel or prod them into soft dough. Mark making isn’t just bound to the indoors either – head outside with the children to explore the natural world and take mark making to the next level! Let them drag a stick through the mud or go wild with colours with a jumbo Outdoor Mark Making Kit!
Why is mark making so important?
A step towards writing…
Research has shown that mark making is crucial for a child’s development and learning. It not only teaches young children how to hold a pen correctly, but it also prepares them for writing and develops their handwriting skills.
Physical development
When children are making these early marks, they are practising to hold a pencil and are attempting to control their marks with their muscles. This enhances their physical development by improving their fine motor skills and helps to develop their hand-eye coordination.
Creative representation
Mark making can also represent a child’s thoughts and ideas. It gives children the opportunity to express themselves creatively and allows them to communicate their feelings through their drawings or even use their marks to tell a story! As they develop, their marks become more complex and sophisticated and their creativity blooms.
Brain and language development
By giving children the opportunity to explore different mediums of mark making, it engages them in sensory play and allows them to discover new exciting materials. This helps to enhance a child’s critical thinking, brain development and language development, which gives them the ability to build towards more complex learning tasks in the future. These marks can also support emerging concepts of maths, developing into mathematical representation and enhancing learning.
Mckay Family
5 stars to this beautiful Kindy!My son started when he was 8months, we have never looked back. The carers are such amazing, kind, caring and very patient with my little pocket rocket and he just loves going there each day. I would most definitely recommend Loftus kKndy to parents who are searching for a nurturing and growing environment for their little one.Thank you Song and her team of brilliant lovely ladies! See you in 2019!
Rowling Family
What we love about Loftus Kindergarten…
Wonderful educators who care about the children – really getting to know them as individuals as well as taking the time to discuss any issues or milestones with parents each day.
Activities are varied and interesting. Children are encouraged to imagine and explore their environment and preschoolers develop literacy and numeracy through a range of play-based experiences. The centre teaches and practices environmental sustainability – encouraging children to take practical steps to care for the environment. I fell in love with the family atmosphere on my very first visit and have never looked back, with my boys so happy and well-looked after here
Balfour Family
Loftus Kindy is an extension of our family. All the educators are well skilled, welcoming, kind and put our children first. My children adore the centre and are always excited to go to Kindy. I know my 3 year old daughter is ahead in her social skills, language and comprehension because of the talented educators. I can’t recommend it enough
As an early childhood teacher myself, I knew I was going to be picky as to where my daughter would go to Kindy. I looked after Song’s (the director) daughter several years back, and when I heard Song had bought a child care centre, I had to go check it out. And I wasn’t disappointed. Song goes above and beyond to ensure her centre is well staffed, well resourced, and that children and families feel as though Loftus Kindy is a second home. My daughter finished today (off to big school next year), and after three years, it has been just that – a second home to us. I have watched my daughter blossom and grow, build friendships and confidence, and come home with many stories to tell, as she learns fun and exciting things each and every day. The online communication and photos through Storypark has also been a wonderful way to see what my daughter has been doing throughout the day. Couldn’t recommend them more highly. Will miss Loftus Kindy immensely!
Brogniez Family
Loftus Kindergarten offers the practicality of a long-day childcare centre with the benefit of a preschool program that rivals the standalone preschools. Song and the educators take great effort to ensure the children are well looked after while fostering their independence and learning. Some of the things I value most in how Loftus Kindy operates are that the staff are always respectful and positive with the children and offer play-based learning opportunities that teach the children about their role in the community.
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